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Authentic articles

Why should leaders be teachable?

I believe a really important principle in leadership is being teachable. Effective leaders are humble, self-aware and willing to learn from others—no matter their age or position.


Dr. Mara Klemich – Founder & Consulting Psychologist

Leadership Humility Authentic Transforming

What does it mean to be 'above the line'?

At Heartstyles, we spend a lot of time thinking about 'the line'. Our founders, Stephen and Mara Klemich, have dedicated their careers to helping others get above it. But what exactly is this line? And what does it mean to be above it?


Stephen Klemich – Founder

Language Authentic Reliable Controlling Approval seeking Relating Sarcastic Easily offended Avoiding

Why striving/perfectionism gets in the way of self-growth

In our modern world, it can seem that high paced action is rewarded. Do more. Be more. Have more. Striving can be how we prove to the world that we’re 'good enough.' But this also comes with a price...


Dr. Mara Klemich – Founder & Consulting Psychologist

Team Wellness Striving Authentic Transforming

What do we mean by 'character development'?

At Heartstyles we're not here to profile personalities, instead, our mission is to develop character.But what do we mean by that?


Dr. Mara Klemich – Founder & Consulting Psychologist

Stories Authentic Character

The subtle dangers of an over-protective leader

Dr. Mara Klemich shares how even the best of intentions needs to be appropriately focused and how a 'once size fits all' approach can be limiting...


Dr. Mara Klemich – Founder & Consulting Psychologist

Authentic Team Stories Dependent Coaching Avoiding Striving Leadership Culture